New Trend for 2006 - Business Start-Up Software Comes to Life
Released on = December 22, 2005, 8:50 am
Press Release Author = JDD Publishing
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Doing business online is finally getting easier for newcomers, as a new breed of \"how-to software\" comes to life...
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/22/2005
New Trend for 2006: Business Start-Up Software Comes to Life.
Doing business online is finally getting easier for newcomers, as a new breed of \"how-to software\" has come to life...
Smithfield, RI - 12/22/2005
\"Have you ever used business software that you could describe as entertaining?\"
Probably not.
Imagine for a moment that you want to build or expand a business using the Internet.
The tasks you\'ll need to master include registering a domain name, building and uploading a website, getting the site ranked well at search engines and getting traffic to the site without spending a fortune -- all difficult tasks even if you know your way around the web.
There are thousands of books available on the topic of doing business on the web -- but if you\'re the type who learns better by watching instead of reading, then picture this...
Imagine popping a CD into your computer and being greeted by a 3-D, animated host. The clever little host then proceeds to \"show\" you exactly how to build a successful business on the Internet, step by step. All those tasks above, are performed right before your eyes.
Since it\'s video based, you just sit back and watch each step as it is done. Then, after each animated lesson, one click takes you to the web where you can perform each task yourself!
That\'s what ezWebBusinessBuilder by JDD Publishing does. Not only has it brought new life to business/training software, it has already helped more than 2500 customers worldwide, increase their profits on the Internet.
It also may be among the first of a new breed of software that is actually engaging and entertaining -- and that may explain why it is so popular. When software is fun, you actually use it. After all, when\'s the last time you opened a business software application, rocked back in your chair and watched it do all the work?
More Information:
\"You have a brilliant product and a great approach. I am \'Information Technology Stupid\' and even I am getting on well with this software.\" Roger Macdivitt Haslemere, United Kingdom
\"I enjoyed watching it very much! I can not imagine a more enjoyable way to learn, work on and produce an online income stream.\" Paul Schmidmayr Graz Styria, Austria
- JDD Publishing has been featured in Entrepreneur magazine, Smart Computing Magazine and literally thousands of business related websites .
Other helpful information regarding the this product or service can be found at:
For More Information Contact: Jim Daniels Direct line: (401) 397-9422
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Contact Details = Jim Daniels
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